Saturday, October 24, 2020

Jang Hyuk: The Craziest Intro to an Actor Ever

 A few new things have happened on the studying side. I've picked up the pace of learning, now that I'm feeling a little better. I've spoken to two Korean guys on the phone, and it's clear that I can't understand or speak Korean well. So I'm learning some more conversational stuff... like I did when I first started.

But that is NOT why we're here.

Jang Hyuk Is a Big Deal

I have obviously heard of Jang Hyuk and seen some pictures around. He pops up frequently. I've never actually seen one of his dramas though. 

I was sure that he would be good, but he didn't look like a super attractive type of male lead... so I assumed he would be a really good actor with decent comedic timing. I hadn't been in the mood for exactly what he's in.

However, I'd heard great things about Fated to Love You (2014). Like, it's supposed to be an all-time classic type of drama. Since I wanted a sure thing (because I'm tired tonight), I gave it a go.

I Was NOT Ready

What in the actual fuck was this opening scene? I mean, look at that... it's crazy! He literally walked onto set, handed someone his glasses, tossed someone his jacket, and just started doing this.

This is the first time I've ever seen Jang Hyuk, a legend from what I can tell... and this is what we're doing? This! There are no words. I alternated between smiles and literal jaw dropping. Who the hell IS this dude?

Oh, and I might add... still photography doesn't do this guy justice at all. He was around my age in this, and look at him. So much energy and charm. And he clearly doesn't miss a workout. But his face transforms from shot to shot. It's wild.

That's It

So, I haven't watched beyond this scene. I literally took this screen shot and was like, "Screw it... I need to write this down". If I wasn't already exhausted from work, I'd have been exhausted by the end of that scene. Damn. Clearly Jang Hyuk is a legend for a reason. And that is one hell of a way to open a drama! 

Back to it! Hopefully it won't be a let down after that intro. 


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