Tuesday, December 22, 2020

He Is Psychometric (and Not Gay)

I studied some today. I went over my last lesson (from the night before last) and checked out a few new Korean Language Learning sites/systems... went through a few of their lessons. I didn't get to study yesterday because I wasn't feeling well.

Interesting Interaction in Psychometric

From my understanding, South Korea is not entirely accepting of the LGBTQ community. I mean, we aren't in the States either, but it isn't a hush-hush embarrassment either. South Korea is conservative even about simple PDA (public displays of affection), so gay PDA would be even more frowned on, yes?

The Situation

In an earlier episode of He Is Psychometric, the MC (Lee Ahn played by Park Jinyoung of Got7) is hugging his brother when a couple from their building walks up. The couple looks at them and laughs in, what I assumed to be, a displeased way. It is understood that they think the two are a gay couple.

In the current episode (ep 6), the woman from the couple sees another interaction. This time, the MC's best friend loans him a nice car. The MC jumps up, hugs his friend, and says "I love you" or something to that effect.

Later, when the MC wants to check out some books, the woman refuses. The MC asks if she has a social prejudice against him for being gay and tries to explain the misunderstanding (i.e. that they were his brother and friend).

I thought this was about to go entirely wrong at this point. It didn't bode well.

She replies that it's not a "social prejudice but a social convention" and proceeds to tell him that "two timers are unacceptable".

Surprise Acceptance of LGBTQ

I'm always surprised when a kdrama is "woke" in this way. So often, the only mentions of being gay are included with a distinct negative connotation. Here, he expects the negative connotation but doesn't get it. In a way, you could say that the stranger is actually defending and/or protecting two gay men from a cheater. This is always a welcome surprise. 🌈


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