Monday, October 19, 2020

Sickly & Studying and Kim Young-Kwang & Lee Soo-Hyuk

 It has been over 2 weeks since I blogged. For good reason: I have been very sick. I mentioned that one of my employees got Covid-19... well, while in quarantine, I got sick too. I had all the same symptoms in the same order.

I tested negative, but it may have been a false negative. Regardless, I was in pain. My body ached and my head hurt if I moved it at all for over a week. The lethargy and fatigue were crazy. The cough made all of that worse.

I have been back at work for about a week now, but it took all the energy I had. There was none left for blogging or studying Korean. I tried to study several times, but my head just hurt too much, even with meds and extra Ibuprofen added to it.

What I Did During the Sickness

I watched kdramas. Pretty much all I did was lie in bed, try not to move at all, and watch kdramas. Needless to say, I will have a whole lot of fodder for blog posts! I don't even know how many I watched, but it was a whole lot. 

Currently, I'm almost finished with Sweet Stranger and Me (2016). And why? That's super simple... Kim Young-Kwang.

I think he's a good actor... very endearing... he nails the soft/tough guy roles like this and D-Day. And let's face it... he's a model. The dude is good looking. 

What really tipped me toward watching this drama though was Lee Soo-Hyuk, which I just saw in a drama for the first time a few days ago (King of High School Savvy).

He played a bad guy who was incredibly likeable and endearing. Sort of a damaged and abused guy with anxiety who looks like an ultra cool model. I was impressed with his acting.

He has a quality that makes you want to take care of him. It's odd that he can look aloof and arrogant while also seeming fragile and cute. In Sweet Stranger and Me, they have already mentioned several times how "sickly" he appears. The deep voice with the baby face is also fun somehow. I enjoy watching him.

Actually Studying Again

2 days ago, I started studying again... doing more than just glancing over past lessons or a little vocab, which is all I had had time for. First, I wrote up some sentences to practice negating.

I actually sent a picture of it to a language partner on Tandem. I commented that I hoped it wasn't too messy to read, and he told me that it looked like 뭇글씨, which is essentially Korean calligraphy or something of that nature. 

This was just me writing fast and sloppy with a thicker gen pen than I prefer. I didn't intend to share it... I just felt like I this was too many ways to say the same thing (and turns out one is wrong... and one is in the wrong tense). 

I have also shared some audio files with the same Tandem partner. Apparently, my pronunciation isn't terrible. Good to know.


I finally added my Korean keyboard stickers & layout. 대박! It's so much easier to write in Korean now. A couple hot keys and BAM! I've mostly been using my phone to this point. 

  • Went over some vocabulary
  • Went over Lesson 8
  • Did the Unit 1, Lesson 1-8 test
  • Did Lesson 9 (on conjugating 이다)
  • Wrote to a few language partners on Tandem

Making progress! I've also been learning a fair bit from some of the guys on Tandem. So far, the men have been more helpful... and more likely to contact me. Funny how that works. Oh, and one of them... Jay... is obsessed with all kinds of music and has shared tons of cool stuff.

I have a whole lot to blog about now that I'm back on my feet! Wow. I dunno when I'll catch up on it all! 


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