Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Monsta X: Chang-Kyun and Shownu

I practiced speaking Korean in the shower and went over yesterday's notes. I think I'm pretty good with almost everything I've been learning so far, speak-wise. So I'm ready to move to the next thing tomorrow. Maybe some vocab too.

Monsta X

So, the next group that I've enjoyed during my blog hiatus is Monsta X. I had one of their songs in my playlist, but I wasn't obsessed with the song enough to dive in. And then one day, I was watching some kpop funny moments compilation or something like that.

In the video, they had some guys on a swinging ship, as kpop groups are known to do. Some were freaking out and acting overly scared. Some were enjoying it. As expected. What wasn't expected was the most bored, unimpressed face I've ever seen.

I didn't know the context. I didn't really care about the context, but I found it amusing that he looked like he just wasn't about to play along with their cutesy fake bullshit. I mean, really... grown ass men being terrified of a ride that I thought was boring when I was 12 years old? Please.

I.M (Chang-Kyun) 

Anyway, I found it refreshing. Later that day, I was still watching trash compilations and whatnot, and I saw the same unimpressed face. It was on Weekly Idol, I believe. And he didn't seem to want to have anything to do with whatever they were doing.

Basically, I.M has resting I-don't-give-a-fuck face. Am I right? When I saw him the second time, I knew for sure it was the same dude. So I read all the Korean text on the screen and translated until I hit on two names and could come up with the group name. Surprise! Monsta X.

So I looked up Monsta X on Weekly Idol to see what he was so annoyed about. I didn't watch that episode, but I found this gem:

Not only was this clearly the same dude... but he didn't look like he gave a single fuck while falling over and over either. Like, just expressionless most of the time. I decided that I 100% love this dude. 

I watched some other videos and, on a whim, decided to watch No Mercy, the show that created the group. I was stoked that I.M turned out to be a deep-voiced rapper. I assumed he would be my bias for sure.

But Shownu Though...

Through the show, I got to know the member personalities and skill levels a bit. Then went back to exploring their music and assorted other videos. The member that impressed me most on the show was definitely Shownu. His voice was nice, but I'm a sucker for a good dancer.

I also have to admit that I found it interesting for the main dancer to not be a tiny little 110 lb (50kg) dude. Some of the best kpop dancers are very small, agile, and slim. Shownu is a beast. Super manly. He barely has to try and a dance move looks strong because he is clearly a strong guy.

But then, it became super clear that he is sort of a gentle giant? Like, he seems sort of awkward and easily surprised or confused. And as a leader, he seems to be a natural. Somewhere along the line, he became my bias for Monsta X.

Not surprising... me and dancers. Whatcha gonna do?

The Music Though...

I don't know why, but Monsta X's music hasn't grabbed me as much as the personalities of the members. I have a bunch of their songs in my playlist. The rapping is good. The singing is good. The production is good. And yet... when they come on, I don't think, "Oh man... I LOVE this song!" It's weird.

If anyone has recommendations, let me know. 


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