Tuesday, September 8, 2020

And We're Back

 I took a day off... again. I mean, a day off from most studying. Yesterday, I just practiced speaking in the shower and watched Are You Human Too?, which I began on Sunday night. Loving the show! It's super fun. Seo Kang-Joon is doing a good job with the dual role (and is incredibly easy to look at).


I practiced in the shower some more. Same as usual... fake conversations that use lots of vocab and conjugation. I also finished the next two sections of the lesson I'm working on. I figured it would make up for yesterday's laziness.


Hopefully I will get a bit more studying in at work! I didn't get any Korean studying done in there today. I had the time, but I spent it talking to Jack about a math proof he's working on and various other things.

I really hope to get to some vocab review tomorrow. And practice the stuff from today's lesson. Fingers crossed that I'll get some of it done.

Now, off to finish Are You Human Too? Not sure what I'll watch next. Maybe another Seo Kang-Joon show. 


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