I got a bit more done today than I expected. I read some more on apps that connect English and Korean language learners. I haven't found quite what I'm looking for yet. I'll need to compare and contrast the options a bit more.
Korean Keyboards: Time to Get Serious
I also added the Korean qwerty keyboard to my phone. So much faster than trying to type on my computer! I've been using the Branah Keyboard, which works fine. But it's a bit slower than I'd like.
Hopefully, getting used to the letter placement on my phone will make it easier on my keyboard. I might also buy some Korean keyboard stickers and use those for a little while until I get used to it.
Dramas Dramas Dramas
Why is it that these always take one day longer to finish than I expect? I always hope for the best but end up not quite finished the second day. Tonight, I'll finish Are You Human Too? and maybe will start my next. Still not sure which one I'm going to watch, but to be honest, I'm not quite ready to stop staring at 서강준 (Seo Kang Joon). He is just too pretty!
I practiced conjugations, and I think I've got them down now (including the combining vowels). I only have to think about them for a few seconds to figure out how to spell them. Pronunciation takes a bit longer, but it will come in time.
Hopefully, I'll get to practice much more before learning other conjugations. It pays to take them slow. I'm super pleased to see that Korean uses fewer than English though! I've always been glad that English is my first language. It's difficulty for so many reasons, conjugations being one of them.
I also reviewed vocabulary in several ways today. Tomorrow I intend to go through all of the words I've learned so far (500 or so I think?) and test myself manually. I don't think the app is enough. I want to be sure that I know them all on sight, but I also want to be able to conjure them up on command. Basically, reading and speaking are equally important to me.
I might start the next lesson. I haven't done the vocab list yet for the next lesson, unfortunately. I didn't realize just how quickly I'd get comfortable with the conjugations, so I wasn't focused on the next vocab. Maybe I'll do some of the vocab and some of the lesson. We will see.
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