Saturday, September 12, 2020

Oh, My Sleepy Slacker Ways

 Yesterday, I was running on just a few hours of sleep. I was too tired when I got home to blog, but I did study some despite the sleepiness.

The Other Night

Instead of getting back to the show I started watching (The Smile Has Left Your Eyes), I took a different route. I had only watched 30 minutes of the show, so I didn't feel like I had to watch it right that second or anything. It hadn't quite hooked me. I do think I might watch more of it tonight though. Or even start it over to refresh my memory.

I decided to check out The I-Land instead. I have never seen a Korean reality/competition show before. I tend to like competition shows in general, so I thought it might be fun. It is sorta fun. I don't feel like watching it tonight though. I've been itching for kdrama all day.

Oh, that night (prior to watching the show), I checked out NCT more thoroughly. I watched them on Weekly Idol a while back too--the full episode. Super entertaining. That's part of the reason I decided to watch a reality type show... it got me in the mood.


I learned almost all of the vocabulary for the next lesson. Maybe... 25 of them. That's pretty much all I did as far as studying goes. I was incredibly tired, after all. We will see how many I still remember when I go back to refresh myself on them.

When I got home, I watch some more of The I-Land. I fell asleep watching it, and at some point, woke up enough to get into bed. I'll have to do a little backtracking if/when I get back to it.


  • Finished vocab for the next lesson
  • Reviewed between 100 and 125 words from previous lessons

And I think I'm going to do a conjugation table before dinner if I have time. I keep going back and forth on the next lesson. On the one hand, I want to get through the grammar. On the other hand, I don't want to rush through conjugation.

I want to really get it nailed down so that I can do it fairly quickly and well. The next lesson is irregular verbs... so I want to make 100% sure that I am solid on the regular conjugations first.

If I don't get to the conjugation tables today, I will work on them tomorrow at work. I'm trying to push myself a bit but not overdo it. One I get the conjugations down pretty well, I think I'll finally try chatting with a Korean native and see how it goes.

Oh, I think that a few regulars at work might be Korean. They brought in menu boards for their ice cream parlor, and I noticed some Korean watermarks after they had left. I think next time they're in, I'll find out... or perhaps just greet them in Korean and see what happens.


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