Thursday, September 24, 2020

Super Junior May Be One to Check Out!

 I'm exhausted. We were busy today and only had 2 people. Two who live together aren't coming in this week because one had Covid symptoms. So someone who opened left as soon as I got there and came back in to close, just as the other person was leaving. 

Two people, myself included. It was rough.


Last night, I watched some NCT videos, including some solo Ten dance videos. Crazy good dancer!

It got me in the mood to check out new kpop, which I did while running around. I probably listened to an hour or two of music in total. I came away with two tracks added to my playlist:

"Sorry, Sorry" by Super Junior 

I have "B.A.D," in the playlist already. I also recognized this song. I'm not sure what from exactly... but I'm assuming it was a big hit that plays in the background of kpop videos sometimes and/or gets random played a bunch.

Super Junior might just be a group I need to check out, since I've liked more than one song that I've heard in passing.

"Hit" by Seventeen 

I've heard of Seventeen. I'm sure they have been in clips of dancing compilations and stuff. I've never had a song pique my interest. This one was okay enough to add, but I don't know if it will stay.

About Time (2019) Finale

Episodes 14-16 were super boring. I'm shocked that I made it through. I skipped huge amounts of these episodes, including the last episode where they "wrap up". 

First, the ending made so little sense that I went back like 3 times to see if I was just missing something. They could have made it a happy ending in a zillion ways that would have made more sense. Say, once their lifespans were even, the clocks short out and disappear. Or once they are even, both start going up. Or he saves her, and then her clock fritzes and matches his.

Honestly, I was kinda hoping they'd die by this point. But no... let's have miraculous, totally unscathed recoveries without so much as a montage and carry on in a dream world where his dad likes them, and her mom can cook, and all is well with the world. 

Bullshit. I kept hoping that maybe this would be their imagined life in the moments before death or... something. What a waste of time. The first half of this series was good and interesting. I'd call the second half a dumpster fire, but at least fires are nice to watch.

Oh, and I was super hoping she would just jump and stop the annoying "I'm a big bitch" <wait 5 minutes> "Oh no, I'm a fragile woman who needs a man, boohoo" thing.

Man, the only person in the cast that I really didn't want to die was the brother... and he's the only one who died. Pfft.

Today & Tomorrow

I did a little bit of vocab review today. That's it. I was too busy. Right now, I'm too tired. 

Last night, I started watching Itaewon Class but was way too tired to be starting a new series, so I stopped it 15 minutes in. I'm going to check it out tonight. It was recommended by Woong, my first really helpful language partner.

The entire plan: Eat dinner, watch a kdrama, go to sleep.

Hopefully tomorrow I can finish reviewing this lesson's vocab. It's real shaky. And maybe start the next lesson's vocab too. We will see.


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